Download mysql for java application

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DriverManager is a fairly old way of doing things. Just do it the usual way. Remember the port number whenever you've changed it. YourClass and the ; is the classpath separator as it is in Windows. In Unix for clones : should be used. Let's create a database javabase. Simply because using root is a bad practice. If it's installed at the same machine where you run the Java code, then you can just use localhost. If you encounter connectivity problems and using 127. This is by default 3306. Create a simple Java class with a main method to test the connection. To exclude one and other, you can always manually load it as below: System. It's just to fix the old and buggy org. Note that you don't need to load the download everytime before connecting. Just only application during application startup is enough. Note that closing the Connection is extremely mysql />If you don't close connections and keep getting a lot of them in a short time, then the database may run out of connections and your application may break. Always acquire the Connection in a. Or if you're not on Java 7 yet, explicitly close it in finally of a try-finally block. Closing in finally is just to ensure that it get closed as well in case of an exception. This also applies to Statement, PreparedStatement and ResultSet. That was it as far the connectivity concerns. This is java 1 starters mistake.

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